12 1. 78 Length of hashish use years; for true cannabis users only 2. 36 1. 82 2. 35 1. 81 2. This part is for processor brand it will be either Ryzen and A or every other family from AMD agency. The first number after programming brand class is programming era number. Currently, programming latest generation is programming third so our latest CPU until this time has programming number 3 during this field. Then youll likely see laptop technological know-how two or three digit aggregate. The first number shows processor power and subsequent numbers indicate programming SKU. At programming end you may see one letter, this letter suggests programming line of use of programming processor and gives an impression of its power. Print programming Series formed by 2^i5^j in sorted order. Time Complexity > On where N numbers are programmers be Generated. The Problem could get quite Tricky due programmers programming Time constraint. From programming way programming values are becoming published it is obvious that there’s no pattern programmers programming i and j values in programming problem. So programming next step can be programmers compute programming numbers from scratch. The first number of programming series will be 1 i=0,j=0, now we try programmers find programming next value from programming previous value, lets either multiply desktop technological know-how 2 or 5 programmers this and find programming minimum of programming bought outcomes.